Saturday, July 7, 2012

How to Save Money on Travel: Techniques to Save Hundreds

Every year families all over the world make vacation plans. For many, it's a quick weekend getaway to a family resort, while for others it's an international adventure. Thousands of families take vacations that create lifelong memories. But have you ever thought about how many people want to take a vacation, but can't afford it? Or those families that overpay for a vacation, and never know it?

Those are the stories that I'm interested in. I'm passionate about finding affordable ways to travel. What I've discovered is that it's actually pretty simple to shave $500 off of a vacation. In this article I'm going to go over some of the simple things that you can do to save money on your next vacation.

  • Try planning your vacation through Groupon. I've found that Groupon is a very useful tool for creating the perfect vacation. Not only are you able to get discounts off of the regular price of admission, you're also able to find fun activities that you might not have seen otherwise.

  • Take some time to familiarize yourself with unpublished rates. Unpublished rates are prices that hotels offer that aren't really promoted. You have to know about them to take advantage of them. You can find unpublished rates by looking through select price comparison websites.

  • Don't underestimate the importance of timing your vacation. Prices on flights and hotels will fluctuate greatly depending on the season. A vacation during one month of the year may be a lot cheaper than a vacation during a different time of the year.

  • Make sure to get off the beaten track. Don't visit a destination and do the same things that thousands of other people have done. Places that are heavily visited by tourists are usually a lot more expensive. When you're taking your vacation, you want to be creative. Find (safe) places that other travelers don't usually think about visiting.

  • Figure out how expensive the destination is. If you still haven't found a destination, then try to pick something that's a little closer to home. Not every vacation needs to be a cross-country adventure. Some of my most memorable trips have been inside my own state. See what attractions are close to your home and plan a weekend around them.

  • Make time to do nothing. To me, the worst vacations are the ones where everything is planned out to the milli-second. By relaxing and creating downtime, you're not only getting a break, you're also saving money in the process.

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